1. “This achievement-based society and the equal opportunities provided by the educational system created a competitive world and reinforced the gambari spirit of the Japanese people” (p.88). What scene in the movie demonstrated this concept well? Explain the reason.
The scene that best demonstrated this idea was the scene after the girls had finally understood that they needed a jazzy rhythm to play better. In the scene they were finally playing well in front of the super market and people had crowded around them and were enjoying their music. The girls had finally achieved their goal of playing jazz music and had carried on through their failures by embracing the gambari spirit, even though they were booed and disliked before they carried on and were now being praised by the same people who disliked their music months earlier. This gambari spirit would guide them to the final scene where they got to play in the music festival.
2.Considering gamabari, do you consider Naomi as a Gambari in terms of losing weight using the muscle stimulator? Why? Why not? Explain the reasons through explaining Gambari.
No her actions were not in line with the idea of Gambari. Gambari was described as doing your absolute best +110%, to really give it your all but Naomi was not doing that at all. For example, while she was using the muscle stimulator she was eating a bag of chips, that's not trying your best, its barely even trying. In a later scene we see her eating out of a pail of ice cream while saying that she was on a diet, again no effort at all. Actually its counter productive.
3. Considering kenkyo, who do you think is the most and least kenkyo? Explain the reasons.
For the most Kenkyo the winner, hands down, is Kaori. Throughout the entire movie she was polite, soft spoken, and extremely modest almost to a fault. Where as most of the other girls where outspoken and brash Kaori was always quiet and never the center of attention. For the least Kenkyo i would pick Tomoko. She was very outspoken and disruptive. She even argued with her parents and technically stole from them to buy her saxophone, not a very modest action.
4.Considering Honne to Tatemae, after brass band got food poison, the girls decided to have jazz band. Although the girls practiced hard and were able to play a little, the brass band came back and took their places back. What was Honne and Tatemae of Tomoko? Explain why she acted like that. What kinds of influences contribute to group of jazz band.
Tomoko's Honne was that she was upset that the band had come back and destroyed their chances of playing in front of a group of people. Even though she felt this way her Tatemae was to act happy that the band had come back and abandon the idea of the jazz band. She acted this way because she felt that most of the other girls were happy to leave as well, this way she would not stick out from the group when the band disbanded.
5. What kinds of feelings/motives are changed from skipping make-up classes to gambaru.
In the beginning the girls see the jazz band as a way to skip out on make up classes. But as they begin to learn to play instruments they see just how well they can do when they try. This gives them hope that they will be able to play in front of a crowd of people and be praised for their good work. This is when the Gambaru spirit takes over.
6. In the end, jazz band ended up playing great music. How would you end this movie, if it was not based on ganbari spirit? Explain the reasons.
I would change the ending to include a awards ceremony scene where the bands were given awards based on how they preformed. The jazz band would not be given an award for one simple reason. They had less than a year to all learn how to play and form a band where as the other bands have been together for a long time and their individual members have most likely been in band for several years. From my experience in middle school band i can attest to the fact that it takes more than a year to become truly proficient with an instrument. This added scene would derail the idea of gambari and inject a little more reality into the movie.
7. Among three concepts, which one is the most difficult to understand. Analyze why you think so comparing with your own experiences and American standard.
The hardest for me to understand was Honne and Tatemai. While it is common in america to say one thing and think another (political correctness) it is often more strait forward than the Japanese concept. In America we use the concept of Honne and Tatemai to protect ourselves from public scrutiny but in japan it is used to maintain harmony between the people in a conversation. The example or book gave us was that in a Japanese house during suppertime if you were not invited to supper the family might say "wont you stay for dinner" to us Americans this sounds like an invitation but what they are really saying is get lost. So its a hard concept to wrap my head around.
8. Write whatever you want to share by reflecting own experiences.
I liked this movie a lot. It had lots of goofy humor and centered around a nice feel good story. It was not nearly as depressing as Aoi Tori. I never had anything like this happen in high school but i was driven to do well at work when i got my first part time job. at the time i didn't have a car and i had my heart set on getting an old mustang. So i did my best and worked for 2 summers and eventually got enough money to buy a used 95 mustang Gt which i still own.